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Hvad sker der i USA?

I 2009 fremlagde det amerikanske Department of Defense en rapport med titlen ‘Final Report on the use of Live Animals in Medical Education and Training Joint Analysis Team‘.
I den konkluderes det, at:

“(A) validated, high-fidelity simulators will be available for nearly every high-volume or high-value battlefield medical procedure by the end of 2011, and many were available as of 2009; and

(B) validated, high-fidelity simulators will be available to teach all other procedures to respond to common battlefield injuries by 2014”.

department of defensePå baggrund af rapporten besluttede Department of Defense i Washington, at det fra 1. januar 2015 ikke længere vil være tilladt at anvende levende dyr til brug i undervisning og videre uddannelse på en række områder – herunder ”Advance Trauma Life Support” samt ”The development and maintenance of surgical and critical care skills for field operational surgery and field assessment”, idet det konkluderes, at der er “sufficient simulation models available to meet medical education and training needs.”

I den forbindelse udtalte Dr. Jonathan Woodson, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs: ”We must make progress towards the standardization, refinement, replacement, and reduction of our use of the live-animal model.”

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