forsøgsdyrenes værn

Are animal models as good as they are thought to be?

Broadly everything we do results in a data trail and the amount of data is growing so explosively that the world’s collective amount of data doubles every third year. This enormous amount of data is called Big Data and implies new possibilities for, among other things, analysis. There is a huge need for Big Data analysis in the medicines industry.

Biogenity’s vision is to optimise drug development through big data. The desire is to improve hypothesis testing through existing data and to increase transparency between diseases and animal  models and in that way create the basis for eliminating certain animal experiments.
When a new medicine is developed, Big Data analysis of gene and protein expression is very valuable, as it can increase the success rate and thereby save companies millions of kroner in drug research and related animal experiments.

Traditionally a Big Data analysis in these types of data requires a biostatistician to carry out the manual and time-consuming work. Therefore, this type of analysis lies in a price class which only large pharmaceutical businesses can afford.

Biogenity’s technlogy is based on artificial intelligence and reduces the manual work in Big Data analysis with use of machine learning. The technology will thus reduce time and costs and make Big Data analysis available to small and medium sized businesses.

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