forsøgsdyrenes værn

With your help we can continue to finance research without the use of animals

One of the ways to replace the use of animals in biomedical research is the financing of projects, which are of high quality, relevant to human beings and by which methods are developed, which researchers can use instead of the traditional methods in which the starting point is animals as models for human suffering. Forsøgsdyrenes Værn has  a serious, proactive approach to the phasing out of research animals in medical research. We think that a complete replacement of animal experimentation with other methods will lead to technological innovation, promote medical knowledge and deliver reliable data which is relevant to human beings.

We need your support to continue with promoting animal-free innovative research. Send your contribution to 1551 – 4 69 82 82 or send an amount to MobilePay 55 88 70.

Gifts are deductable according to the rules of Denmark’s tax authority, SKAT.

If you wish to make a will in favour of Forsøgsdyrenes Værn then read more here.

Below are examples of projects which have received support from Forsøgsdyrenes Værn.

The spread of antibody libraries

About us - in English

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Forsøgsdyrenes Værn

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