forsøgsdyrenes værn

The Danish Society for the Protection of Laboratory Animals


The object of the organization is to work for the abolition of all painful experiments on animals. To achieve this goal, the organization is mainly engaged with:

Influencing legislation concerning laboratory animals.

Spreading information on research whereby the use of laboratory animals is reduced or replaced by other methods.

Supporting research into and development of non-animal alternative methods.

Promoting more humane methods in laboratory use and treatment of animals.

Drawing public and political attention to the poor conditions experienced by animals in laboratories.

Cooperating internationally with a view to introduction or improvement of legislation concerning animals used in research.

Staying informed about European politics and legislation so as to be able at all times to plead the cause of laboratory animals in the EU.

At the instigation of Forsøgsdyrenes Værn, the Danish animal experimentation law has been revised in 1977, 1987, 1993, and most recently in 2011.

The organization’s influence is dependent upon the number of people, who wish to support its work through membership. Read more about becoming a member.

Membership: 175 DKK a year (see below).

Forsøgsdyrenes Værn (The Danish Society for the Protection of Laboratory Animals) was founded in 1963 and currently has 14.200 members.

Donations to Forsøgsdyrenes Værn are exempt from death duties. 0 % to the state – 100 % to the animals.

Forsøgsdyrenes Værn is affiliated to the European Coalition to end Animal Experiments (ECEAE) .

Bank account number: reg. 1551 1 02 08 38
IBAN: DK8530 00000 1 02 08 38
MobilePay 55 70 70

Bank account number: reg. 1551  4 69 82 82
IBAN: DK4300 0000 4 69 82 82
MobilePay 55 88 70

Contact Address:
Landsforeningen Forsøgsdyrenes Værn
Gothersgade 160
1123 København K

Phone: (+45) 33 32 00 16 (9:30-15:00)
E-mail: please use the contact form below

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