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Brev og adresse til Air France

Forslag til brevtekst:

Dear Air France,

I am shocked to learn that Air France regularly transports monkeys from Mauritius to research laboratories in Europe and the USA.

The trapping and confinement of monkeys is extremely cruel and causes great suffering. Many airlines have made the decision to dissociate themselves from the cruelty and suffering of the international trade in primates by refusing to transport primates destined for the research industry.

I urge Air France to join this growing number of airlines and refuse to transport primates for research.

Yours faithfully

(dit navn og adresse)


Air France
2a Plesman House, Cains Lane, Feltham TW14 9RL
Fax: +44 (0) 208 750 8495


45, rue de Paris, 95 747 Roissy CDG Cedex, Paris, France
Fax :+33 1 41 56 70 29

About us - in English

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